You Are Really Forgiven…

Last Sunday I taught my Sunday School children about Forgiveness. During the hour session I stated what forgiveness means and referencing with scriptures, I further explained it’s importance.

I used an illustration of a paper. I coloured one side with red pencil; the red representing our sins. The back of the paper which was clean represented the aftermath of our cleansing; that is after we ask for forgiveness and repent, we are made clean by God. This kept the children engaged and they gave examples of when they have had to forgive a friend/loved one.

Before the service, I prayed and asked God that His message would settle in their little hearts. Little did I know it was I who needed the message to settle in my heart.

24 hours later I found myself to have fallen short; I allowed my flesh to lead me and ended up desperately needing forgiveness from God. I was very disappointed in myself. Worse than that, I was ashamed. I thought to myself, I know better therefore I should have behaved better. It broke me. I prayed and truly repented from my heart. I asked Jesus to wipe me clean. I felt His forgiveness and peace after this prayer. Last night the enemy tried to remind me of the sin and made me doubt if God had truly forgiven me.

As I prayed this morning, I asked for forgiveness once again. In a still small voice The Holy Spirit reminded me of the illustration I had used in Sunday School. He truly has wiped my sins and made me clean without stain, like the other side of the paper.

Isaiah 1:18

“Come now, let us reason together”,  says the Lord. Though your sins are like scarlet, They shall be as white as snow. Though they are red like crimson, They shall be as wool”.

This reminder brought tears to my eyes.
I am truly forgiven. He has wiped me clean. I need not to entertain the enemy’s lies because Jesus has cleansed me. The word of God says in 1 John 1:9 that,

“If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness”.

I encourage you today to walk in His forgiveness. No need to ask forgiveness for a sin over and over again just because you do not feel like He has forgiven you. His love for you is so strong. It does not matter the nature of your sin(s), as long as you have repented from your heart and ready to walk in holiness, believe that You Are Really Forgiven.

Hebrews 8:12

“For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness and their sins and lawless deeds I will rememeber no more”.

I’m praying for you.



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